Being successful in business requires a great idea (that will be refined and modified over time) ,hard work, and a great team. Successful business owners and independent professionals have an Executive/CEO coach and supportive group of advocates to be resources along the way. The Success in Business blog shares great success ideas, tips and insights to help you get there faster. Remember success is an ongoing journey, not a destination, but ...... always be sure to enjoy the ride.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Sylvan-Darien Celebrates 20 Years Officially

We hosted a community event on Improving Your Reading & Efficient Reading Techniques with a professional presenter. It was very well recieved, and even the kids learned a great deal from the program. How twenty years goes by! From 2 programs to 9. 2 Locations. New computers and technology to manage the business. Out teachers have close to 200 years working for us even though for many it is part time and thier second job after the classroom. - a testament to Gwynne and her excellent people skills. Email inquiries, although not committed inquiries about individualized turoing programs. Success in all shapes and forms as our former students graduate form the Naval Academy, Georgetown, Princeton, Duke and other major schools.
We also dined with 15 teachers and their S.O.s at our house just before Thanksgiving. Every summer and in November we celebrate with everyone. A fine time was had by all, and the loyalty of our team is unparallled.


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