Being successful in business requires a great idea (that will be refined and modified over time) ,hard work, and a great team. Successful business owners and independent professionals have an Executive/CEO coach and supportive group of advocates to be resources along the way. The Success in Business blog shares great success ideas, tips and insights to help you get there faster. Remember success is an ongoing journey, not a destination, but ...... always be sure to enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Abby Marks Beale & Rev It Up Reading!

Abby is a pro. She has written 3 books and run hundreds of classes on how to read faster and more efficiently ( Now she is launching courses in NY and Boston this fall to teach you the proven techniques she had been sharing with large companies for over a decade. Be on the lookout for these excitng programs. Abby also has another claim to fame, as President of the Connecticut chapter of the National Speakers Association, she officially launched the full fledged NSA chapter in 2004.


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