Six Fundamentals of Success
The tagline I like to add to my emails is "Success is an ongoing journey, not a destination." From Stuart Levine's book here are six tenets of success.
1) Add value in all that you do. As an executive coach for small business owners, I constantly search for ways to add value. If you work in a larger organization, don't coast or lose your focus, it will catch up to you.
2) Communicate up, down, inside and outside. You can't be dressed down for overcommunicating. The number one skill of top managers is communication, not raw intelligence or even hard work.
3)Know how to deliver results. Use a planning worksheet for new projects. Make notes next to the major categories: objectives, measuring success, inclusion, relevant facts, communication and the plan. Set criteria and details for each of these six areas.
4) Integrity should be constant in your life and work. If it isn't, it will catch up with you. While those who break rules make headlines, eighty+ times as many people always display care. attention, honesty, helping others, being straightforward i.e. high integrity.
5) Invest in relationships. Use one-on-one coaching to help key employees move ahead. Write down what he/she does well and what he/she needs to work on. then choose three things to work on and set a goal for each. Touch base and step in if you see they need encouragement.
6) Gain perspective. Know what you want. On five-by-seven index cards write down what you want five years from now. Rank all of them in order of importance (one for very to six for least important). Put the top goal on top and keep it in the front of your mind.
Success is being open to new ideas and approaches. It is also defining and focusing on goals until you make them happen. This is a good framework to keep moving forward in your life and your work.
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