Being successful in business requires a great idea (that will be refined and modified over time) ,hard work, and a great team. Successful business owners and independent professionals have an Executive/CEO coach and supportive group of advocates to be resources along the way. The Success in Business blog shares great success ideas, tips and insights to help you get there faster. Remember success is an ongoing journey, not a destination, but ...... always be sure to enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Career Reinvention

I met with an intersesting company that is raising capital to launch a comprehensive career and mid-career assessment process. They have attracted a wealth of talented advisors and experts and developed a 6 part comprehensive model to make the process clear and easy, although time-consuming.

Career is a dated term. When I was in business school in the late 70s (ugh!), everyone wanted to work in consulting or investment banking or for a fast-growing company. There was stability in the job, company or career. A classmate and I launched the Entrepreneur's Club which now has over a third of the 2005 class as members. You are a bundle of skills that is more valuable to several companies than only one in most cases. There is more stability in lifelong learning and skill development than allegiance to the company or company politics just like in sports. The average number of "careers" is eight now. Plan and act with this model in mind.


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