Being successful in business requires a great idea (that will be refined and modified over time) ,hard work, and a great team. Successful business owners and independent professionals have an Executive/CEO coach and supportive group of advocates to be resources along the way. The Success in Business blog shares great success ideas, tips and insights to help you get there faster. Remember success is an ongoing journey, not a destination, but ...... always be sure to enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Jim Blasingame - The Small Business Advocate

I was recently on Jim's national radio show ( for the third time as part of his "brain" trust - his words not mine. Jim is colorful, knowledgeable and brings a great understanding of small business to his daily show. He has interviewed many of the very best like Jack Canfield, Ted Fishman, and numerous others. His down home Alabama perspective adds just the right seasoning to his thoughtful and provocative interviewing style. To listen to my interviews or check out the site, take the time to visit and learn (listen now; archives, motivational 8/1/5; 3/30/5; 11/24/40 or search for campbell or another speaker you admire at the bottom of the page.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

The Redwood Grove

I just spent 10 days under the towering Redwoods a couple hours north of San Francisco. The mix of great speakers from major California universities, presentations by business and political leaders, and a host of performances by grove members and other well known musicions made it a most unique encampment. There was a fascinating group of people from around the country - with a range of interests and expertises. It was wonderful professional and personal development. For example, the president of Cal Tech spoke on viruses, Steve Miller and Jimmy Buffet played music several times, and a descendent of the family that created Tobasco sauce spoke on peppers among many others. Truly a special excursion.

Altamira in Westport CT Roars Ahead

Richard Rapp launched the Westport office of Altamira ( less than one year ago. We just completed a forward-looking team meeting with everyone participating that was very successful. There are now 6 employees and several key partners that are helping build the thriving business. The company was just nominated for 5 awards at a recent conference, and the goal is to double the business in the next 12-18 months.
Key steps along the way included aligning the team - getting everyone on the same page with the right attitude; building up a strong number two (Chris Swee) to run the dialy operations of the company allowing Richard to focus on new clients, and a fun, content-rich team building event six months after the office was officially opened. It has been a great ride. Check them out.